You can rent any movie from Amazon for just $.99 right now.
Perfect timing with the kids out of school and well with the cold weather and crowds. Let’s just stay home. Right?
We rented Jason Bourne but Secret Life of Pets is also available, Sully, Magnificent Seven, Storks and other movies that were just released. You can also choose from oldies but goodies like Elf and Polar Express.
- To get this offer you first log into the Amazon web site by clicking here
- Next select the movie you want.
- Under Rent Movie you should see more purchase options.
- Click that and click to enter a promo code.
- Enter code MOVIE99
- Close the window and click Rent Movie HD. The price is $4.99 but once you actually checkout the correct price should be applied.
Once I did these steps on my computer, I clicked to open Amazon on my TV and then the movie was under my watchlist ready to go.
(Thanks Saving with Shellie)
Worked perfectly! Thank you!