There is a new coupon for $1.00 off any 2 MorningStar Farms Veggie Products. These products are on sale at Target for $3.50 and you get free Arnold Sandwich Thins when you buy 2.
It works out to a great deal!
Morning Star Items $3.50
Free Sandwich Thins when you buy 2
Use $1.00 off any 2 MorningStar Farms Veggie Products
Use $1/1 Ibotta rebate
Final Price: $5 for all 3 items
If your store allows a coupon on a free item, you can also use the $.55 Arnold Coupon here.
This is a really great deal for Morningstar items. I don’t see these on sale very often!
I can’t seem to find the coupon. Is there a certain zip code required?
Jessica, It is under foods for me and I do not have a zip code entered. Page 4 I think it was at the top.