Today only if you spend $100 on items at you will get an extra $10 off your purchase!
I tested this by adding a Nook reader to my cart and the $10 came off right at checkout. Most items also have free shipping if you spend $50 or more so this should be a nice deal if you need bigger items.
To get this offer just head over to Target right here. You will see the details of the promotion and the $10 off offer will be automatically added to your cart when you start checkout.
Update: If you click the top right corner you can see a bunch of gift cards. This offer is including gift cards!! I actually had a gift card that I used just now. I bought a $100 gift card, asked for it to be sent in the mail and used my existing gift card to pay for the new gift card. Yeah! Shipping is $1.95 but you can select an emailed gift card and that has no fee.
You can see the Target clearance schedule here for in store shopping! This is a great thing to pin or bookmark for future reference.
sue says
i wonder if we could use the gift card n buy other gift card such as subway’s gift card in target store later??
Charlene says
I don’t see why not but then again I cant say for sure because I haven’t done it :).
Jose says
And I wonder if use the target debit red card, would I get 5% and free shipping… so interesting… 😀
Sandy says
I did this, but forgot to use shop at home! Oh well….at least the shipping on my gift card was cheaper than $1.95. 🙂 Maybe it was because I bought other products? None the less…thank you for posting this!! I was just about to buy $73 worth of products from Target and then I saw this post and used a gift card I currently had to buy another gift card just like you! The $10 helped me justify buying the swimsuit I wanted. 🙂
Sandy says
I was just re-reading Jose’s comment…do you know how the debit red card works? Would you suggest getting it? It seems like there’s no real way to lose, but there’s got to be some kind of drawback I’m thinking.
Charlene says
We have a red card that is a debit card. I haven’t found any hidden catches myself. I don’t suggest getting the credit cards- usually those have really high interest rates but the debit card seems like a good deal to me :).
Jose says
@Sandy, I’ve been using the debit red card for one year, its just like using your regular bank debit card , the money always come from your checking account but you get 5% off everytime and free shipping online…
The only inconvenient I’ve seen is that they deduct the money from your checking account like 3 days after not instantly like when u use ur regular bank debit card… so u gotta make sure u have enogh funds or they charge you a whopping $35 fee for returned payments for every transaction, so, 2 months ago changed my bank checking account number and got a letter from target with a $70 fee for 2 purchases of less than $10, good they are so nice, called them, gave my new acc. number and they dismissed the fee… 😉
Sandy says
Thank you for replying Charlene & Jose! That’s the kind of info I was looking for Jose, very helpful!! I think we are going to give it a try and I’ll keep your experience in mind if we need to change our bank account number.