Since we are fast approaching Back to School, I thought I would post a very quick tip to keep apples looking fresh in a lunchbox. We love apples around here but if I send off a whole apple to school, it seems to just come right back in the lunchbox. If I preslice them, it seems the kids are much more likely to actually eat the apple.
There are lots of methods to keep apples looking fresh but I just tried to find the simplest way. This doesn’t require soaking fruit and the flavor that is imparted on the apples is barely noticable.
I simply add a little pineapple juice to a small squirt bottle (these can be found for $.99 in the travel sections of stores like Target) and squirt the sliced apples very generously.
I find the apples keep the same nice color for several hours. I have tried this a day or even two in advance and the apples will start to brown just a little but they still look much nicer then they would without anything on them.
You can also try lemon juice in a squirt bottle but I know some people don’t like that extra tartness. I found the lemon juice did not work quite as well as pineapple. Another option is a citrus-y soda like Sprite. I don’t personally give my children soft drinks so I have not tried that option but I have heard of people soaking the apples in 7-up or Sprite and that seems to work as well.
The pineapple juice is pretty inexpensive and it keeps in the fridge for awhile. Very easy to pull out and squirt away as you are packing lunches.
One little tip, my children LOVE sliced apples with cinnamon sprinkled on top. No sugar just plain cinnamon- it is one of their favorite treats.
I like to pop these in a lunchbox with cheese or peanut butter or almond butter. This is also a great on the go breakfast idea!
**And you might also try the DIY Uncrustables to get ready for Back to School or try the super yummy Peanut Butter fruit dip recipe here.
(Recipe adapted from Kathleen Daelemans)
Do you have to keep them in the juice or can you baggie them up after squirting them.
I just spread them out after cutting and squirt away. No need to soak them or do anything else. Once you squirt just pop them in a container or bag and you are all set.
yum that dip sounds good. never thought to add the yogurt to cream up the pb! we love Frontier’s apple pie spice–its sooo good, no sugar either, dont know off the top of my head which spices are in it, but it really makes it taste a little more special 🙂
thanks so much for the DIY EVERYTHING. if everyone does it, then companies will be out of biz(i.e. windex) 😉
I love PB and yogurt! I discovered this combination while doing low carb dieting and it is soooo good! I’m sure the brown sugar makes it even better! I’ll have to try this and the pineapple juice trick. Thank you!
Salt works just as well if you don’t have juice on hand!
Just put the apple slices in a bowl of salt water for 20 seconds (mix it around if some slices aren’t fully submerged). Then rinse it lightly with normal water.
There’s hardly any salty taste 🙂
Laura, I have heard of that tip too but I haven’t tried it. I just wanted to avoid soaking since I am lazy like that 🙂
Is there a brand of pineapple juice that comes in a small container? like a single serving can or bottle? I would like to try this idea but i’ve only seen pineapple juice in 1/2 gallon jug.
Cathy there are smaller cans of Dole but they can be hard to find. Right now I am using lemon juice and that has been working fine for us. That is so cheap and lasts for ages.
I just dip them in orange juice. I also leave them in orange juice overnight or 2 -3 days. It is also a very good base for a fruit salad. I used the orange juice over the apples for my daughters ball games and it kept good even out of the fridge,
I wonder if this little tip would keep guacamole from turning brown! My daughter loves it, but when it is packed in her lunch it is brown and deemed “gross”!
I’ve used a little sprite to soak them in and it works great and gives them a little sweeter taste.
Lila, yeah I mentioned that tip. I don’t give the kids soda so I haven’t tried that one. Seems like you might waste a lot of soda too? Do you need to open a whole can for your apples?
Krissy- maybe lemon juice? Have you seen the single serve packs of guac from Wholy Guacamole? I like those.
if you use your lettuce knife instead of a metal knife, that will also do the trick. The browning is caused by oxidation contact with metal/air much like lettuce. 🙂
To keep avocados from turning brown, squeeze lime juice on them. (also works for apples) You could also to lemon, but if I have them, I prefer limes. You can also just sprinkle a little salt on apple slices instead of soaking them in salt water to save time. I don’t mind the little bit of salty flavor. Salt is a flavor enhancer.