The 2011 Entertainment books are priced at 30% off today. I checked my local book and that made the price $25. If you go through Ebates, they are offering 35% cash back!
So the deal looks like this:
Head over to Ebates and type in in the upper right
Then click on 35% cash back. And finally the orange shop now button.
Enter your zip and find your local book- mine was $24.50 with free shipping.
Pay $24.50 and then you will have $8.57 deposited into your Ebates account.
So the net price is $15.92. If you are new to Ebates, you will also get a $5 bonus in your account.
These books usually have a ton of coupons and promo codes for various restaurants and stores in your local area. If you know someone that recently moved, this can be a very nice gift.
Last year, my book also had (4) $5/50 coupons for Safeway. I believe there are several grocery stores that offer similar coupons- so those can really pay for the book.
*I am not promising any grocery coupons will be in your book. I have absolutely no idea what coupons are available to each city. You might find them or you might not.
Hi Charlene
I have looked at the Entertainment Book for my region (Penninsula/Santa Clara County, CA) and didn’t see any Safeway coupons. Without these, I am wondering if it is really a good deal since we don’t go out to eat very much. Am I missing the Safeway coupons? Help!
FYI: I checked out the books at a local store and the Safeway coupons were NOT in them. So I emailed Entertainment and asked. They said that Safeway was NOT participating this year. I do not know about other stores.
Ok thanks Kim. Still a nice deal and I know other stores are participating.
I am going to post in bold type that I am not promising any coupons to anyone. I would look through the book and decide if you think you can use it. Online they will give you an idea of some coupons available in your specific city.
How soon do you get the Ebate credits? I have purchased the Entertainment Book for years and have found great deals on movie tickets at local theaters. If you like going to movies, that alone will pay for your book!
Good point about the movie coupons especially since there is no more Weekly Cinema, sniff, sniff.
Just wanted to let everyone know that the entertainment books are 30% off again today. And ebates has a cashback of 50%. So mine was $24.50 and I will get $12.25 back. I’m new to the ebates thing, but that sounds good.
Lacey I have that set to post this afternoon 🙂