I wasn’t sure if this was just my store or not- but I have been to two stores in my area and found diapers on clearance for 15% off. The Luvs boxes are a really great deal at $13.48 for 80 size 5 diapers (if you have the $1/1 coupon from the Kmart booklet this is .15/diaper).
I also noticed the packaging/branding on the Target brand diapers are changing. Jumbo packs of Target diapers in my area were $4.87… I have spotted clearance diapers in the baby section as well as in the feature aisles with the current value pack features.
Typically Target marks down baby items on Mondays so you may get lucky and find a 30% sale tommorrow!
Check out my diaper haul here.
Thanks for commenting on my blog about this Charlene. I appreciate you posting this. I may dash in and out to grab these for the new grandbaby that’s on the way. Unfortunately we have Swine Flu in our area and I’ll have to see what the latest is on how bad it is spreading before I go out. I may call and see what they have before going. $4.87 is a great deal even if you only use them for emergency diapers or donate to a food band to help out other families.