I thought I would mentioned these fantastic storage boxes I found recently at Ikea. I picked these up for just $3.99 in the toy storage area of the store and now I am ready to go back and get about 10 more. They are sturdy and incredibly handy to have.
The children’s bathroom has been driving us crazy lately. There is always clutter on top of the vanities and it drives my husband nuts. When I spotted these containers I knew they would solve the problem.
Our girls can put everything away- like hairbrushes and hair ties but the things they leave on the counter include Clarisonics, face wash, toothpaste, floss and brushes. Happily, the little storage container holds everything perfectly and they can tuck their items into the box and put it under the sink. In the morning, they pull the box out- brush and put it back. At night they wash faces, brush teeth and put everything back again.
We have been using these for a shirt time now and they have worked beautifully to keep the counter free of clutter. I have needed to scream gently remind them a few times to put the boxes back but I think that just comes with habit. About once a week we wipe out the box where toothpaste might have spilled or drips of water from the Clarisonic are and it looks good as new.
I am hoping to go back to Ikea to get a few more of these for art supplies, a First Aid kit and to hold hair accessories. The lid can be removed if you want to keep it open to slide inside a bathroom, kitchen or desk drawer. These might even serve as jewelry boxes for children’s things and then get tucked away into a dresser.
Oh and of course I had to pop out the Cricut to make a little vinyl design for the top.
Cute right? And completely worth the $3.99 price tag.
Really pretty idea. 🙂 I alwas use this kind of boxes to storage my stuff. Cosmeticts etc.