September always hits our family full force. We have back to school and along with that the start of many after school activities- dance classes, Nutcracker rehearsals, soccer season and so on. Are you with me? I love the busyness and energy of this time of year but it really does force us to maximize our down time.
Squeezing homework in every night on top of activities can be a challenge so when my friend Kelly suggested making a traveling homework box I was all over it.
Just something simple and small to keep in the car with basic supplies so we can practice spelling words anywhere and everywhere. We can practice math facts or finish worksheets. I can sign forms and permission slips and have them in an envelope ready to return to school…. The kids have no excuse not to get stuff done as I have everything they need right in the car. On Monday afternoon while my little one does hip hop dance class, my big girl can sit in the back of the car and get all her stuff done.
Once hip hop ends we go straight to soccer coaching for my big girl and ta da- I can spread out a blanket in the park and my little lady can get her stuff done. It works beautifully because once we actually get home I can focus on dinner and bathtime and maybe a little TV or extra reading or games instead of yelling- oh you still need to finish this or that. In fact some days the backpacks stay in the car because by the time we get home they are done with everything- such a relief!
Some of you might remember the Ouch Kit I did awhile back as a little portable first aid kit for the car:
The ouch kit has been in our car for over a year and has come in handy on countless occasions. So now we have a second homework kit that also stays in the car. This little kit actually holds quite a lot.
Here is what is inside:
A closer look:
I didn’t want the fuss of a pencil sharpener and I swear the kids break pencils on purpose anyway so mechanical pencils it is. I also found a little notebook for $.88 instead of bulky binder paper. That works beautifully to practice spelling and I can write out notes or to do lists and such.
And I actually had so much space I added a few little extras:
I picked up an adorable little coloring book in our travels for the airplane ride awhile back and added that plus some inexpensive note cards from Michael’s and colored pencils. The note cards are great for any quick correspondence to the school or for thank you notes.
The girls actually like to send mail to their friends so these are just super handy. These items aren’t really for homework but they are fantastic for waiting rooms, restaurants and other times when the kids are bored. How cute is this coloring page? It was done in the waiting room of the Doctor’s office a few weeks ago. (Pick up various pocket doodles books for your kids here or the specific book we have here.)
To fit it all in, I just put the colored pencils and pencils on the bottom. notebooks, cards and index cards on top of that, layered in the remaining supplies and used my Cricut machine to make a little label with gold foil.
Done and all set and ready for our busy afternoons!
And here is a peek inside the trunk of the car-
Two picnic blankets, my yoga mat, bag with a stadium blanket- for morning and evening soccer games- these darling little fleece capes for the kids when it is cool, baby wipes, car phone charger, emergency box of granola bars, ouch kit and the homework kit.
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