I wanted to post a really simple and cute craft for St Patrick’s Day. We love any excuse to whip out rainbow crafts in this house and St Patrick’s Day always gives me a perfect excuse.
This perler bead keychain is so simple to make and I think it is cute year round. We made one for my big girl’s backpack and a second one for my little girl’s lunchbox. So cheerful and happy.
Click below for the simple DIY.
To get started you need the following:
You can make the rainbow in any colors and any size you like. I used pink, orange, yellow, green and blue for our rainbow.
Here is how I made my rainbow. I started with pink and ended with blue. I also added some white to make clouds.
If you aren’t familiar with Perler beads, you simply lay out a pattern on one of the little boards with the beads. Once it is to your liking, you use the piece of paper included with the beads and apply low heat with an iron to fuse the beads together. It creates a flat, melted object.
Now before you iron, you have two choices. Either leave it as is and you will need to drill a hole in for the keychain or I removed one of the orange perler beads in the center. Once I ironed the rainbow, there was a tiny hole that fit the keychain.
Here is how mine looked:
The hole from removing one perler bead is itty bitty so you might need to remove more depending on the size of your keychain. I’d say two beds removed in the center should probably be a big enough hole for most keychains. ALDI back to school sale has got similar stylish things from time to time. If you don’t have keychains, a simple string would still be really cute and could tie onto a backpack zipper easily.
And pop the keychain on and voila!
And that is it! Just a few minutes and you are done.
If this will be on a sports bag, lunchbox or backpack, I have these cute little labels from Minted.com for each of my children:
I just placed one of these on the back of the rainbow and now it isn’t visible to strangers that might see them, yet the backpack still has identification for the times they inevitably leave something somewhere ;).
Here are a few other crafts that go along with the rainbow theme:
Rainbow Picnic Table (wait until you see the before of this table!)
Rainbow Treat Bags (so cute for parties)
Great ideas! My daughter loves to crate shapes with the beads, she’ll love the rainbow key-chain.