There is a great sale the Disney Store right now– up to 50% off! Plus, I have a coupon code to save $15 off $100 orders if you have several things you need to order.
Just use code: dmr15 at checkout.
There are several things to choose from including the Princess Nightgowns for $19.99. These are expensive for a nightgown but they are so lovely. My girls have several of these and they absolutely love them. I prefer these to the cheaper dress up outfits you find because these are made well to really hold up, they are very soft and comfy for little girls and you can wash them 🙂
There are also some Princess dresses available for $29.99. I bought one of those too because they just are a great deal at this price. The one we got sings and I know you can get them cheaper at Target or whatever but not nearly the quality of Disney Store.
There are great deals on swimwear for boys and girls. I got this Minnie bathing suit for my 5 year old for $9.99 and it is absolutely adorable! I am usually not a huge fan of bikinis for little girls but the bikini makes it so much easier to go potty and this one does cover her up nicely.
There are several toys to choose from as well. These die cast toys are priced at $3.99- marked down from $9.99!
Head over to Disney Store to take a look. Click on the 50% off banner to see everything in the sale– there are 6 pages of items!
Stel says
I was in the store last night for the “How to Draw Mickey” event for my kids and there was a rack of short-sleeved t-shirts selling for $1.99! Most of the sizes were L and up but I like to wear my shirts a bit loose so I did not mind! The cashier was very nice to point out kids’ Jungle Book t-shirts for $1.99, as well.
Charlene says
Awesome! We went to that event too and I got our things. I went to a free event and spent way too much money ;).
Victoria says
I see you call this “twice yearly” sale – when is the 2nd one? Thanks so much!