I posted a recipe the other day for Rose Petal Bath Salts using Epsom salts and that post got me thinking. I use these all the time for various beauty, cleaning and other things. Epsom salts are so darn inexpensive, I thought I’d post several ideas to use Epsom Salts for your beauty regime, cleaning, health care and so much more!
Here are 20 ways to use Epsom Salts around the house:
- Relieve tired feet by soaking in Epsom Salt mixed with warm water. (I do this ALL the time for an at home pedicure. Epsom really softens the feet so you can use a pumice and get any hard stuff off your feet. Just be careful as your skin is super soft so you don’t want to take off too much skin 🙂 . )
- Mix 2 cups Epsom Salt and 1/4 cup petroleum jelly for gentle skin exfoliation. Perfect for summer!
- Increase your houseplants blooming by dissolving 2 tablespoons Epsom Salts per gallon of water. Substitute this solution for normal watering once a month.
- Prep your garden soil by sprinkling up to 1 cup of Epsom Salt per 100 square feet and mix into soil before planting. This is supposed to help the seeds germinate better.
- Work some Epsom Salt into the soil around roses and tomatoes. These do particularly well with Epsom Salt. Just use about a tablespoon per plant.
- Use a paste of Epsom Salt to clean bathrooms, sinks and showers. The Epsom Salt will help loosen the buildup without scratching the surface.
- For non-toxic pest control, spray a solution of Epsom Salt and water on your lawn. This will help to control insects without damaging the grass.
- Remove a splinter with Epsom Salt. Soak an area with a splinter and it should help to pull it to the surface making it easier to pull right out.
- Dissolve Epsom Salt in water and put in spray bottle to ease sunburned or itchy skin. (2 tablespoons to 1 cup water)
- Soften dry lips by mixing a few tablespoons Epsom Salt with a few teaspoons of petroleum jelly. Apply to lips and run it to remove dry skin.
- Relieve a mild bee sting by mixing 2 tablespoons Epsom Salt with a cup of cold water and soak a wash cloth in it. Apply to bee sting as an anti-inflammatory compress.
- For a facial, add 1/2 teaspoon to your facial cleaning cream. Apply, rinse and dry.
- Relieve irritation from poison ivy by using 2 tablespoons Epson Salt for every cup of water. Apply with a washcloth.
- Soak in a bath of warm water and epsom salts. This is a detox bath that is great for your skin- tired muscles or I always do this when I have a cold. You can add essential oils to the salts to create any scent you like.
- Add 2 cups of salts to warm water to soak sprains and bruises. This helps to reduce swelling.
- Add equal amounts of epsom salt and hair conditioner and make a paste in your hand. Spread it on your hair and let sit for about 20 minutes. This is excellent for those with oily hair to remove the excess oils. If you like the results try using it 2-4x a month. (I am totally trying this!)
- To clean really grimy tiles in the kitchen or bathroom- mix epsom salts with equal parts dish soap and scrub away!
- In addition to bee stings, try adding 2 tablespoons of epsom salts to a cup of water and apply with a cotton washcloth to any bug bites to relieve itching.
- Use Epsom salt to help remove blotchy skin from a bad self tanning job this summer. Just mix sea salt, epsom, powered milk and honey– get the recipe here.
- Epsom can also be used for crafting- especially around the holidays or for those of you with Frozen parties coming up! Roll candles, votives, candle holders etc… in Epsom to create an icy, crystalized look. Get the directions for pillar candles here.
And if you decide to give one of these a shot, please come back and let me know what you think!
Oh and I mentioned the rose petal bath salts– here is the recipe to make them:
You can skip the petals, change the fragrance up— make these exactly as you want them. 🙂 They are a fantastic and very easy gift!
Michele Ruiz says
Love epsom salts! My 3 year old son has sensory issues due to a stroke he had at birth so he can have trouble unwinding at night to get to sleep…..Epsom salt baths with lavendar a few nites a week have helped so much getting him to relax.
Sabrina Perrin says
It’s a great fabric softener too. Like the purex sprinkle things… Put epson salt in with the soap. You could even add your favorite EO scent. Works great.