Children’s Place is having another nice sale today if you missed out last time. You can save 40% off everything plus get free shipping today only.
There are some good deals on shorts and swim suits. These fun separates are $6 but drop to $3.60 after the additional discount. Great prices for these if you need a few things for summer.
And swim suits start at $14- so as low as $8.
You might also look at the Americana items. I thought they were darling and then you can have it for Memorial Day and the 4th. Great prices and a much better selection than waiting until the last minute.I got the little red and white headwrap and it was only $1.71 shipped.
And if you need flip flops or sunglasses, grab those for $1.71 too!
Head over here to look around. Use code: BIGSALE3 through today only (4/28).
How do I get free shipping?
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Sorry! I seed that this was for yesterday!
Chris– this was posted yesterday but it looks like the free shipping is still working. There is a different coupon code but it is right on the home page.