You can get a free 7 day trial to that includes one free book! Just sign up for an account and enjoy 7 days to stream or download any book in their collection for free.
I love audio books and listen to 2-3 per month. I’d never be able to sit and read that many books. I can listen while I am cooking dinner, cleaning or traveling.
You can download the app available for iPhone, iPad or Android or use on practically any internet-enabled device. And there are more than 30,000 books to choose from- best sellers, new releases and more.
I use Audible and you can read more about that here if you want another option. I am going to check out for sure though.
Head over here to get your free trial. You will have to choose from 2 different plans if you decide to keep your account after the trial- one book a month for $14.94 or 2 books for $22.95 per month. You can cancel anytime- no strings attached!
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