Here are two books that would be great for Easter baskets!
You can pick from two different Record a Story books for $8.00 each. These books are normally about $20 so this is a great deal.
The first one is The Day You Were Born
and the second one is Guess How Much I Miss You
These are fantastic books because you actually record reading them and your child can turn the page and hear your voice. This is a great way for Grandparents to connect with little ones or if Mom or Dad travel a lot and are away from home.
I have one of these books and it works great for my little baby Maya because she likes to look at books but she can’t read yet.
She is pretty attached to me and even if I just pop out to the store or to the gym, sometimes she gets really upset. My husband will pull out the recorded book so she can feel close to Mommy.
Please note the prices on Amazon can change at any moment.
(Thanks Freesnatcher)
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