There are some great deals at Children’s Place today and they have free shipping plus an extra 15% off!
You can get flip flops or sunglasses for $3.00- so $2.40 after discount.
I found a few things under patriotic that would be great for 4th of July like this cute heart t-shirt priced at $7.46. After the coupon code, the price dropped to $5.97.
I wish they made these in adult sizes!
Head over to Children’s Place to have a look. As long as you shop today (6/4) the shipping is free. Use coupon code: CABIN62 to get that extra 15% off at checkout or try code: N6G45QDP42 for an extra 20% off.
N6G45QDP42 takes 20% off 🙂
Nice. Thanks Jen,
I can’t get either coupon to work. Anyone else having trouble.
Try typing it like this “CABIN62” and see if that makes a difference.
Nice! Thankyou! The 20% worked, got an extra 5% for my credit card with them.. purchased through ebates and got 5 pairs of leggings for $3.13 each and two long sleeved shirts for $1.56 each.. for a total of $18.77. (Not that we needed any of that stuff!)