Well my inbox has been full with all sorts of new Safeway deals! Here are a bunch of random deals for Safeway Family stores:
Kellogg’s Catalina
Reader Denise got this Kellogg’s Cereal, Cheez it or Keebler products catalina for $3.00 back when you buy 5 items before 8/13.
As always, this catalina could be regional and I do not see it listed on Coupon Network right now. This could also be nationwide so you will either want to look for signage in store, look for one of these announcements to print when you shop or take your chances and buy the items with your fingers crossed.
Here is a reminder of the great deal you can get if this offer does indeed work:
Kellogg’s Rice Krispies, Raisin Bran, Frosted Flakes or Apple Jacks – through 8/2 only – $2.00
Buy 5 boxes at $2.00
Use $0.75/1 Kellogg’s Special K Multigrain Oats & Honey, Frosted Mini-Wheats Touch of Fruit in the Middle, Rice Krispies, Crunchy Nut or Kellogg’s Fiber Plus Caramel Pecan Crunch Cereal, exp. 8/21/11 (RP 07/10/11 R)
or Use $1/2 Raisin Bran coupon
Or Use $5/5 coupon in the 7/10 RP (regional)
Pay as low as $1.25 each and get back $3.00, that is like paying $.65 per box if you have enough coupons!
New Safeway Coupon Booklet
You will have to hunt around your store to find this one. I have not seen them yet but try customer service and see if you spot it.
The booklets have a $5 off $15 frozen foods coupon inside as well the following Safeway coupons:
- $1 off on any Safeway store items (Lucerne, Open Nature, O Organics etc…) with a minimum $3 purchase on participating items.
- $1 off Open Nature products (I mentioned finding these coupons before- there are GREAT deals with this coupon- free yogurt, cheap bread, cheap pizzas and more.)
- $1/1 Redbaron Multiserve
- $.75/1 Any Freschetta Pizza
- $1/2 Jimmy Dean Sausage, Patties, Link, Crumbles
- $1/1 Totino’s Pizza Stuffers or Pillsbury Breakfast Scramblers or Eggo Muffin Tops.
Thanks Shira and Rie
Safeway Coupons in Woman’s Day magazine
Reader J got the September issue of Woman’s Day magazine and found the following Safeway coupons inside:
• $5 off $15 minimum purchase of any frozens items, excluding frozen meat and seafood. Minimum $15 purchase qualifies you for all coupons.• $1 off frozen Safeway brand products – Safeway Select, Lucerne, Eating Right, Open Nature, O Organics, Safeway, or the Snack Artist, excluding frozen meat and seafood. Minimum $3 purchase on participating items required.• $1 off Totino’s Pizza Stuffers, Pillsbury Breakfast Scramblers or Eggo Muffin Tops. Minimum $3 purchase on participating items required.• $1 off any Open Nature product. Minimum $3 purchase on participating items required.Also- these manufacturer coupons:• $1 off 1/2 lb or more of Sara Lee deli meat from the deli counter or one package of any Sara Lee pre-sliced meat located in the deli section.• $1 off Red Barn multi-serve pizza• 75¢ off any Freschetta pizza (single slice is pictured as well)• $5 off Scrubbing Bubbles Automatic Shower Cleaner starter kit• $2 off Bayer Advanced Aspirin product
And the following prices were listed in my SmartSource and RedPlum inserts this weekend:
Splenda Essentials $3.99 (through 8/6)
Use $3/1 from 7/31 SS
Final Price: $.99
Skippy Peanut Butter $2.00 (through 8/9)
Use $1/2 Skippy from 7/31 RP
Final Price: $1.50 each
Ragu Pasta Sauce $1.50 (through 8/9)
Use $1/2 from 7/31 RP
Final Price: $1 each
Magnum 3pk Ice Cream bars $2.99
Use $1/1 from 7/31 RP
Final Price: $1.99
Degree Antiperspirant or Deodorant $2.99
Use $1/1 from 7/31 RP
Plus there should be a nationwide catalina running:
Buy 4 Degree Deodorant before 8/8 and get a $4 catalina coupon back
Which makes the final price .99 each!
See more Safeway coupon deals here and the Safeway weekly deals here.
I got that Kellogg’s catalina yesterday in WA.
Oh thanks so much for the confirmation Rachel!
I got it yesterday when I bought the cereal! I’m in Texas!
I was logging on to inform you about the Women Day magazine coupons. Boy you are top of things 😀 I love ur site!!!
Bought 5 Cocoa Krispies and received the cat!!
I used mine today and I got this years MDA coupon booklet too. The MDA coupon booklet is green with a cute blond boy in a wheel chair on the cover. HTH
Got the $3.00 catalina in Colorado this afternoon after buying cereal (unexpected surprise!)
Where are the coupons in the Womans Day? I looked through my and can’t seem to find them?
Tina did you check the Sept issue?
Tina, check Woman’s Day Sept issue (navy blue cover, home delivery)between pp 104-105 and also between pp 72-73
I finally found Sfwy’s MDA coupon booklet like Becky mentioned. I had to ask the manager for it. The most pertinent MQ inside: $2 off any Allegra (use @ Walgreens this wk). Note that the Nob Hill MDA booklet and the Sfwy MDA booklet contain different coupons.
I bought 12 cereals and thought I would get 2 catalinas, but I got 1. I’m not sure why. I am going to see if I qualify for the $10 Kellogg’s gas debit card. http://www2.kelloggs.com/AARP/rewards/
Safeway is printing the $5 off $15 of frozen foods in their ad this week where I live (California), and I also saw the $1 off Safeway brand frozen food in the ad.
Oh, and also there’s the $10 off $75 worth of groceries in the Safeway ad this week. If you haven’t done that deal before, keep in mind it really means $75, so if you’re using coupons and your club card, you might have to spend over $100 just to actually be paying $75. It can be tricky. If you’re an extreme couponer, you’d probably have to get $1,000 worth of groceries to pay $75.
Bought 5 kellogs fiber plus cereal and DID NOT receive the $3 cat in SF, CA