You can get 25 new Recyclebank points today. This took me about 2 minutes to get the points and then you can cash them in for fantastic coupons!
I got a $1 off Naked Juice coupon for 10 points, $1 off any Coke product for 10 points recently and a $10 off a $50 purchase at my local grocery store and a Free Latte coupon last month!
So you just register for Recyclebank and then start earning points. Once you earn enough you can cash in for fantastic coupons.
- To get the 40 points just click the Green Your Home Challenge tab at the top of the page (after you register).
- Then click on the blueprint picture of the home in the bottom right corner.
- Select the yard on the right side.
- Click all the yellow plus signs- three of them will lead to points. It took me about 2 minutes to click on each plus sign and get the points.
- Upload any photo- not with people in it- and give your email address and get 15 more points!
You want to be sure you are logged into your account or the points won’t get credited!
You can redeem for coupons by clicking on Get Rewards.
I earned 40 points total for the yard. Did you upload the photo, that is an additional 15 points (it requires you to provide your email address too)?
You can actually get 15 more points if you download a pic (I usually do a “sample picture”) in that same area and there’s a “Paperboard” quiz on the right hand side for another 5 points. So 45 points total if you do everything.
The site just goes black when I try to earn the recycle bank points. 🙁 Is this happening to anyone else?
I just went through the bedroom, kitchen, living room AND yard, and got 130 points total!!!! There are points in all the rooms 😀
I did the challenge and got 40 points-but all of my coupons are HIGH-the coke coupon is 75 points and the others you mentioned are all 30 points??? Do you know why?
Krista you have to hold your points for a sale just like coupons 🙂 The Coke was 10 points a few weeks ago- I posted it. The Naked Juice was 10 points yesterday- I posted it. So either cash in now or you can wait for them to go down and cash in.
I just tried to earn my points in the yard and it did nothing, It didn’t give me points or information. Anyone else having this issue?
Delia- did you click the yellow signs and then answer the questions? I think there are 7 total and 4 of them generate points. You must be logged into your account!
Charlene- Yes I did but the strange part was that nothing popped up- no questions or verbiage at all. I have previously completed the other rooms so I know what it is supposed to do but it didn’t do anything. I will try again later maybe the site was glitching.
On a different note…. Do you know how to set the coupon sites to print in B&W only. My computer is defaulted this way but the coupons keep printing in color.
Maybe try a new browser too. I don’t know. I just set my printer default settings to black and white on the control panel and it prints that way every time.