Well, Amazon is launching a new program called Amazon Mom. You certainly don’t have to be a mom to partipicate in the program, just a caregiver to a small child.
You need to just enroll in the program, and in exchange there are some fantastic perks.
:: Get free Amazon Prime for free (which is AWESOME!)
- Prime allows you to get free shipping on any order you place from Amazon directly or fulfilled from Amazon (not 3rd party sellers)- so if you want an item for $1.36 shipping is totally free! You don’t have to hassle with finding items to hit $25.
- Your shipping is upgraded to 2 day service and if you happen to need an item overnighted, you just pay $3.99.
::You get special discounts and promotions that are emailed directly from Amazon.
:: You can continue to receive 30% off select diapers and wipes with subscribe and save.
::It is totally free to register.
Not here is the tricky part:
::You get 3 months for free of the Prime service. You need to buy things from the baby store on Amazon in order to extend your Prime membership. If I am understanding this correctly, once you register, you will see a yellow note on various baby items letting you know if they qualify to extend your subscription. Then Amazon will email you at the end of the 3 months letting you know if you purchased enough items to extend your subscription.
SO! All in all I think this is great! If you do not already have subscribe and save I would for sure sign up for Amazon Mom here. There is really nothing to lose as far as I can tell, and Prime is the best thing ever when all the hot holiday deals start rolling out.
If you already have Prime it gets a little trickier. They will give you the option of canceling your Prime and getting a refund on the unused portion of your membership if you paid for the service.
If you did not pay for the service and have Prime for free right now (like I do) then you can either enroll now and this will replace what you have, or you can wait until your prime expires to enroll.
I decided to just enroll. I got the free Prime when I ordered diapers and mine runs through 11/11. I could just wait until November to enroll but there is no guarantee they will still offer all the perks at that time. Plus I am curious about what the special offers will be. I want to be sure to have Prime for holiday shopping and by enrolling- I will for sure have it through 12/7.
You can get all the information about the program here– let me know if you see any other important points that I didn’t address.
I like your thoughts on not waiting. I was going back and forth on whether or not to cancel my free Amazon Prime from the diaper deals or wait it out, but I think you made up my mind for me! 😉
It looks like the requirement for retaining the Amazon Prime shipping benefits is that you have to spend $25 in the baby store in a single order. This is the exact quote, “For each $25 you spend within a single order in the Baby store, we’ll grant you an additional month of Amazon Prime shipping benefits. You can earn up to one year from the date you joined Amazon Mom.”
This is awesome! I just signed up. Thanks fro much for finding these deals and sharing them!
Thanks a million! I just love having amazon prime and it has been awhile since I have been able to access a free trial!!! 1 question: do you think this is forever? My hubs has an amazon account and I am wondering if when mine is cancelled (don’t know if I will meet the requirements to extend too long) do you think it will still be available in december to resign him up???
I had prime as well and went ahead and signed up for this yesterday, I was afraid to wait and miss out. I’m so excited to have prime through the Holiday shopping season! I found a toddler bed for my little guy on amazon that we are going to get that should earn me another month 🙂 Amazon is absolutely my favorite place to shop and especially love all the toy deals through the Holidays!
Thanks so much! My family and I are going to my brother’s for Christmas so as to save on having to pack stuff we will be shipping diapers etc. to their house. This came at the perfect time. I will be able to cash in my Swagbucks (another big thank-you) and it will be one less thing we have to budget for. I just wanted to let you know as hundred of others have told you that you have helped to save our family of 6 so much money. We can now easily feed our family for less and it keeps going down each month!
Just signed up. Thank you so much! My sister created a wishlist on Amazon for her upcoming birthday as well as for my niece for Christmas, and I am psyched that I can get free shipping on the orders!
How do you get the %30 off? Thank you.
Shelly they are 15% off plus an extra 15% for subscribe and save. So not exactly 30% but rather 15% and then 15% from that.