I posted this awhile back but since school is back (or nearly) back in session- here is a reminder.
College students with a valid .edu email address can get free Amazon Prime membership. Now this is seriously a FANTASTIC service and even better your kiddos can share membership with family members!
What you get is free shipping on any order! So you can order something for $1 and get it shipped 2 day air for free! The only catch is that is must be from Amazon and not a 3rd party. If you need something pronto- you can get overnighted for just $3.99. This is really awesome during the holidays.
To get the free Prime just register over here.
NOTE: For everyone else, I have no idea what happened but Prime just showed up in my account one day. My membership had expired and now it is back! Reader Nicole said she logged into Amazon one day and saw a banner offering her the same thing. Later that day she got an email from Amazon with $5 off any purchase she made!! So keep an eye out for emails from them! I am hoping to get one too.
BJ’s is offering an annual membership to the warehouse club for $35 for college students with a valid student id. You also get a $10 gift card back- so sort of like paying $25. I have always heard about BJ’s being the best of the warehouse clubs since they accept coupons- so this might be worth checking out.
I got an email from Amazon last week with a $5 off any magazine purchase. I wanted to get Allyou magazine for a long time. Subscribtion for six months was $10. I used $5 off my order and the rest I paid with the giftcard from Swagbuck. My total was $0.00 for 6 months subcsribtion.
How long is the membership good for? Also, can you repost how to cancel the membership so it doesn’t renew automatically? Thanks!
If you did the diaper deal subscription they gave people prime for 3 months…at least me and others I know…
Well that is the answer then! I just thought it was odd I didn’t have to click anything to get it 🙂
Jessica it is one year and then it should just expire. Otherwise just click on the Your Account on the Amazon homepage and you can do anything you need to do with your account. I don’t have this specific offer in my account so I can’t tell you how it will look.
Yay I got free amazom prime until Nov 17th!!! Wahoo!!!