Reader Chia spotted a $2 off Hammermill paper coupon in her 8/29 SS.
Don’t forget the awesome deal this week at Staples and you can actually get paid to buy paper!
Staples Hammermill Paper Ream $4.99
Get $4.49 rebate back
Use $2/1 coupon
Final Price: $1.50 moneymaker!
*Most stores will accept coupons but I would call ahead and ask if you aren’t sure.
Thanks Chia!
What if you have already done the paper rebate earlier in the month, can you do it again?
Yes Shannon this is a new offer.
I saw the coupon and was wondering about using it. I’m going to try this tomorrow night on the way home from work. Thanks for all your great postings, I love your site.
They would not let me use the coupon with the rebate today. The manager said the computer would not take the coupon because then it would be like they are paying me to take the paper. I tried to explain that they would get reimbursed from the manufacturer but I was told that I could only use it on Hammermill paper that did not have a rebate attached.
@Mary, what Staples location was this? I went to one in Milpitas and they said the same thing about using another coupon to make money. I guess the we just have stores where the manager is a total stiff.
I was at a Staples in Massachusetts. Maybe it is a corporate policy or something.
No, it’s not a corporate policy. I was able to use the coupon in San Diego, CA. I donated the items to a school so it was a good thing all around.