Well who knew! There is a free comic book day and it happens to be today, May 1st.
You can head on over HERE for more information and they recommend calling your local comic book store to confirm participation before heading out.
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Thanks for the tip! I just got back with 6 free comics. At my local store, the limit was 2 per person (myself and two kids). This is actually a great event for moms with kids because most of the comics were geared towards school age children. I walked away with Shrek, Toy Story, FraggleRock, and Archie comics for my kids. Also, my store was giving away free toys and action figures. Really worth checking out…
Thanks for the tip! I just got back with 6 free comics. At my local store, the limit was 2 per person (myself and two kids). This is actually a great event for moms with kids because most of the comics were geared towards school age children. I walked away with Shrek, Toy Story, FraggleRock, and Archie comics for my kids. Also, my store was giving away free toys and action figures. Really worth checking out…