I hope you are enjoying great weather where ever you are! It is nice and warm in California so you will see a lot of warmer weather meals from me! All menus are based on 2 adults and 2 children.
Watermelon is .48/lb this week so here is a recipe for Tomato-Watermelon Salad which can be served with the crescent rolls that have been free after coupon and catalina.
Watermelon .20
2 Large Tomatoes .99
1 Pint Cherry Tomatoes $2.00
4 strawberries (I hope you have some left from the great sale last week!) .66
Grand Total $3.85
And here is a fun option for Cinco de Mayo featuring the incredible deal on Mission Tortillas:
1lb lean ground beef $1.99/lb
6 flour tortillas .25 after coupon
8 oz Colby cheese (32 oz blocks on sale $4.99) $1.25
1 can enchilada sauce $1.19
1 yellow onion .74
Grand Total $5.42
Click here for a delicious recipe for Watermelon Margaritas!
Click here to see all the great deals at Safeway this week!
Visit $5 Dinners here for lots more bargain menu ideas.
Love the menu ideas!!! Hey, I didnt know you were in Cali! Where are you ?? I am in S.D., and it seems VERY few in my area coupon, which is good for me, cause the good deals never run out::). But is also bad, because I can find any blogs that focus on the grocery stores I have here. Anyway, nice to see a fellow couponer in Cal. It seems most are from the middle of the country, or the south.
Hi Kate, I live in Northern CA near Sacramento. I totally agree with you and that is one reason I decided to start the blog- we get no doubles and prices are so much more expensive here!
There are two other bloggers here in Nor CA that do a great job:
Nicole at BeingFrugalisFabulous.com and
Laina at AbdundantFoodSavings.com
I haven’t found any So CA ones yet.
Awesome!! Thanks for the links, it may not be so cal, but at least its not Texas:)