Reader Diana pointed out that the Slim Fast coupon is good for any Slim Fast item. She found the single bars priced at $1 at Safeway- so free after coupon!
I am sure several stores also offer the single bars for $1 or less- I am going to check the drugstores because this would be a perfect filler item.
The Red Plum coupons are scheduled to change on Sunday so you might want to grab this while you can.
Thanks Diana!
checked walmart, target, walgreens. can’t find the singles anywhere! have you had any luck?
Yes they were in a separate Slim Fast section in the shampoo area of Safeway last night. I posted a pic this morning. I did not see them in the cereal area where they had Power Bars and things. I haven’t checked those stores and I forgot to look at CVS last night.
I live in Orlando, no Safeways here =( i’ll keep trying the other stores. Thanks for your help!