A few weeks ago I received a booklet with coupons from Babies R Us. It mentioned a free gift when you went into the store to register. Since I am 32 weeks pregnant I decided to stop in. It took just a few minutes to fill out my information and I was presented with a scanner. I wanted to test drive a few strollers and selected a few items for the registry. I was then given the gift package which contained the following:
Born Free Bottle
Newborn diaper from Huggies and Pampers
sample size Pampers wipes
CD of lullabys
Always maxi pad sample
Voucher for 12 free birth announcements
There were several coupons inside most of which already expired- including Huggies coupons, a $5/25 purchase at BRU, $1.50/1 Pampers.
One of the booklets contained a mail in rebate form for vitamins. I love those types of rebates as they are easy ways to roll register rewards or to hit a certain dollar amount to use a coupon at a store (i.e. $10/50 at Safeway). These are also great to use when you spot a BOGO sale since you will get 2 free after the rebate.
I went in on a Monday afternoon and it took about 15 minutes total. (Would have been 10 min if the bathrooms weren’t so far away.)
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